URS Middle East | ISO Certification in UAE
Provide company and product details required for Halal certification.
Client agrees to Contract Terms & Conditions and transfers the agreed Certification fees.
Client approves proposal and submits certification fees to IHCP, along with a signed copy of the legal Agreement and the Use of Halal Mark undertaking.
Evaluate the source and manufacturing process of all ingredients, raw materials, and packaging materials for traceability and Halal status from both Shariah and Scientific perspectives. Testing of ingredients may be conducted if necessary.
Conduct thorough on-site audits at the production facility by our auditors. This includes inspections of raw material storage, manufacturing processes, packaging/filling areas, finished product storage, and dispatch to ensure compliance with applicable Halal Standards. Review all Halal Food Management System documentation.
Submit Stage-1 and Stage-2 Audit Reports, along with any corrective actions and evidence from the client, to the Decision Committee for final review and a decision on the issuance of the Halal Certificate.