Why companies should implement ISO 45001?

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In a nutshell, the ISO 45001 is a guiding principle and quality management system, which defines the standards for occupational health and safety of employees of a business. It provides a framework to effectively manage and maintain a safe workplace for all, including contractors, visitors and public.

ISO 45001 is an international standard which outlines requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system and its use to enable organisations proactively improve their OH&S performance in preventing injury and ill-health. It is intended to be applicable for any businesses irrespective of nature, type and size. ISO 45001 enables an organisation also integrate other aspects of health and safety including worker wellbeing.

Speaking broadly, when companies accurately implement ISO 45001, they rake into an array of benefits, which ultimately enhances their efficiency levels, and guarantee a rich return on investment. With ISO 45001, companies are also able to tackle and mitigate healthcare costs and injury claims.

Understanding the benefits:

  • Implementation of ISO 45001 puts the company on the global map of businesses striving for excellence.
  • Improvise cost-control of the business and avoid cost overruns.
  • Improvises employee efficiency and relationships between employees and management.
  • Continuous improvement is embedded in the work culture.
  • It augments the market visibility and improves customer confidence.
  • Builds up the brand image among prospective clients.
  • Regulators are more comfortable collaborating with companies, which are ISO 45001 certified.
  • Identified as an industrial influencer for implementing best practices in the industry.
  • Attracts lower insurance premiums.
  • Improvises systems to respond to risks and hazards.
  • Has a superior acumen to improvise operations and reduce dangers and downtime, and avoid accidents.
  • Operations of business are transformed towards a preventive approach.
  • It is a cost-effective system and adds a new value to the company.

Implementing ISO 45001

  • Using the gap analysis method, the company should analyse the existing nitty-gritty of their business.
  • The entire management has to support the implementation, without which it will become redundant.
  • Ensure that every employee is aligning with the system.
  • Identify the hazards and legal requirements for implementation.

Challenges of ISO 45001

Employee participation:
The biggest challenge seen to implement ISO 45001 is creating awareness among every employee and stakeholder, and getting their support for implementing the system. However, this can be overcome by organising team meetings at every level to meticulously explain the benefits of the system.

Establishing a criss-cross collaborative network:
Sometimes major companies often rely on external collaborations or multi-department to execute projects, which at times can become challenging, especially when the umbrella company has implemented ISO 45001. Therefore, the main company has to ensure that all collaborators and stakeholders are working on the same page of the certification.

The road to smoothly implement any form of ISO certification is a myth, owing to several factors. However, when companies choose to comply and get certified, they open up a new horizon, and certification specialists accompany the company wanting to be certified and ensure that every compliance is met, however minute it may be, thus creating a safe and healthy environment.
